Cancer Cancer Natural Remedy

Home remedies to help with nausea

October 2, 2019

Nausea is one of the most common side effects of cancer treatment, particularly chemotherapy. While nausea symptoms can be quite unpleasant, there are avenues you can take in order to help limit this side effect. Testing out different natural remedies may help with your overall body health, as well as keep nausea out of the picture. As with anything going on with your body medically, it is important to first and foremost discuss your nausea symptoms with your healthcare provider.


Ginger and ginger infused products have natural health benefits, including helping with nausea symptoms. It has been suggested that the compounds found in ginger are similar to those found in medications that help with nausea. Ginger is generally safe to use. However, if you have a medical condition such as low blood sugar, you will want to consult your medical professional before attempting any home remedies.


Who would have thought that simply smelling peppermint might help reduce nausea? Peppermint aromatherapy is used by many cancer patients to help limit symptoms of nausea. It is worth noting that peppermint aromatherapy is different than peppermint oil. Injesting peppermint oil is not recommended and could lead to severe health consequences.


Citrusy smells have been known to help reduce nausea in those experiencing pregnancy and undergoing chemotherapy. In order to do this, you could slice a lemon or simply scratch at the peel. Lemon aromatherapy may also help to do the trick by the use of a diffuser.

Breathing techniques

When a feeling of nausea creeps up, it can sometimes help to focus on your breathing. This can include meditation but does not have to. Count your breaths and allow yourself to slowly breathe. To do this, you would have to breathe in slowly through the nose and exhale through the mouth. This can also work alongside aromatherapy for an increased effect.

Stay hydrated

Water is a great natural rememdy for nausea symptoms. Your body is healthier when you have had enough to drink. It is recommended to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. You may need more or less, depending on your body. Staying hydrated will help your body naturally feel better, but having enough water can sometimes be a challenge. Make your water more enticing by infusing fruits and vegetables with your water overnight. As an added bonus, add slices of lemon to your water to increasingly help with nausea symptoms. Drinks such as energy drinks or sodas should be avoided, as these can actually worsen the problem and dehydrate your body.

Balance your diet

An unbalanced diet can irritate your nausea symptoms. One of the most successful natural home remedies for cancer treatment nausea is to maintain a balanced diet. Indulging in overly sweet or greasy foods can further upset your stomach and do more harm than good. Of course, a sweet treat every now and again is only natural. However, overdoing it can cause nausea symptoms to resurface or even worsen. Keep a healthy diet by incorporating fruits and vegetables. If nausea symptoms do develop, try eating your balanced meals more slowly. Do not cut down your portion sizes, but spread them out over the course of the day. It is important to discuss your eating habits with your primary healthcare professional or a nutrionalist.

Stay upright

Try to keep your body in an upright position, especially after eating. Sometimes after eating, especially when we are nauseated, our body will begin experiencing gastric reflux. This can often be very uncomfortable and lead to elevated nausea symptoms. In order to combat these symptoms, prop up some pillows behind your back to remain in an elevated position. This will help to limit bile from coming up from your stomach and promote healthy digestion. Try to eat your meals slowly while staying in this position to continue to help your food go down properly.

Nausea is sometimes a very uncomfortable factor when it comes to cancer treatment. However, there are natural remedies that may help to alleviate some of the symptoms. Talk with your healthcare provider about any underlying health concerns, as well as your eating habits before engaging in any natural remedies.