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Atypical breast cancer treatment alternatives

October 4, 2019

In today’s world, there is more than one way to treat most types of cancers. Breast cancer is no exception to this. While typical treatments have been proven to work, doctors are exploring all of the possible options. These alternate options give hope to patients who feel traditional treatments simply aren’t enough.

Complementary and alternative medicine

Some doctors are turning to complementary and alternative medicine (CAM.) Examples of CAM include, but are not limited to, antioxidants, diets of detoxification, Chinese medicine and acupuncture. These treatment methods are often effective in alleviating pain and help tone down the side effects they cause. A patient’s overall life quality can be greatly improved this way. CAM treatment plans are made up of many aspects.

Cancer-fighting diet

Any type of cancer treatment can be enhanced by including certain things in a patient’s diet. Anti-cancer drugs can sometimes be replaced with healthy eating choices. CAM patients are urged to avoid pickled, high-fat, smoked, and salt-cured foods. Instead, their diet should include twice their regular amount of plant-based foods, fruits, and vegetables. Doctors can work with those they are treating to help them follow a nutrition plan that makes their bodies stronger and better able to fight off the disease.

Supplements of antioxidants are also recommended. Just the right grains, vegetables and fruits include large amounts of vitamins A, C, and E, as well as beta carotene and lycopene. Foods that are high in these include fruits such as wild blueberries and goji berries. They also include pecans, kidney beans, and even dark chocolate. Though these foods can be replaced with dietary supplements, those are not always recommended. Research has not yet decisively concluded whether these supplements are safe for cancer patients to take.


Several types of therapy are also used in the treatment of breast cancer. Effective types for patients include music, art, and aromatherapy. Others include tai chi, meditation, yoga, and reiki. The Japanese often use reiki, which is energy medicine, to help alleviate the side effects of breast cancer treatment. It is administered by manipulating a patient’s bioenergy with the wave of a practitioners hand. Though this treatment has not been thoroughly researched by those in the medical community, breast cancer patients have reported that it helps them to alleviate their pain and relax.

Labyrinth walking is also recommended for cancer patients. A licensed practitioner can help patients with their music and/or art therapies. Most doctors recommend using these types of therapy in conjunction with medical-based treatments. Doing so can help patients manage their stress levels, as well as any pain and anxiety they may be feeling.


The aspect of traditional Chinese medicine that helps breast cancer patients is acupuncture. It has been proven that those who undergo acupuncture experience a reduction in any pain or vomiting caused by more typical cancer treatments. They generally feel less nauseous and fatigued. Patients who are experiencing hot flashes may find that they are better able to control them.

For all the benefits, there are some drawbacks as well. The problem with cancer patients undergoing acupuncture is that it has been known to cause bleeding and sometimes even infections. Practitioners may avoid this by using herbal supplements in conjunction with acupuncture. However, herbal supplements are not supposed you be taken while a patient is undergoing chemotherapy, as this can make the treatment less effective.

Biofeedback treatment

A type of treatment that not all cancer patients are familiar with is biofeedback. Patients who undergo this treatment have electric sensors hooked to them. The sensors track subtle body changes. As a result, patients have the ability to control body movements they couldn’t otherwise. It gives them power over their blood pressure, muscle tension, and heart rate. This is a treatment that must be administered by a medical professional in order to ensure it works correctly. Though biofeedback machines can be used at home, it is generally not recommended.

These cancer treatment options are helping women fight breast cancer like never before. Any patient that is interested in using any of these treatment options is urged to discuss them with their doctor first. He or she can determine if they are recommended for a patient who is suffering.