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Cancer: what is a “second opinion” and when to seek them?

July 23, 2019

You may not understand or be certain about a diagnosis you receive from your doctor, particularly when it comes to a complex issue such as cancer. A second opinion is a medical term which means that you choose to seek out the diagnosis of an additional doctor, to be more certain that what the first doctor told you makes sense to you and is accurate.

You may seek out a cancer diagnosis second opinion to be sure that the original doctor did not make a mistake out of misunderstanding your symptoms. It’s also possible they may not be as aware of the full range of treatment as another doctor might be. Yet another reason to seek a second opinion from a different doctor is that you may find a doctor who is more skilled in your particular type of cancer.

How a second opinion may help

If you are diagnosed with a type of cancer that may be particularly rare or aggressive, there may be doctors who are specially trained in treating that type. It would be preferable to find out from a specialist in the type of cancer that you have what the options and outcomes are. Someone who is specially trained in a particular cancer will best be able to confirm your diagnosis. They may also be able to share with you details about the type of cancer that you have that the first doctor was not skilled in.

Ease your mind

A second opinion can ease your mind, in the sense that you can feel more confident if both doctors agree on a treatment plan. If you seek out a second opinion on cancer from a specialized doctor, they may have more experience in treating the type of cancer that you have and may have more insight into the outcomes. They may also be aware of clinical trials of treatments that may help you.

A cancer diagnosis can be confusing and upsetting. It is normal to want to talk with more than one expert about the options available to you. It will help you to make the best decision that you possibly can after talking with more than one expert to gather all the information you can get about your unique situation. After talking with more than one specialist, you can be certain that your doctor isn’t under- or over-estimating the situation you’re in.

Don’t rush into treatment

Many times, a cancer diagnosis will leave a patient feeling like they have to take action right away. But in fact, be sure you have looked at every avenue of treatment before you make a decision. Particularly if you have a rare or unusual cancer, you will want to be certain you have explored every possibility. Get a second opinion if you’re not sure that you understand what your cancer doctor or doctors are telling you.

A third opinion

It is even possible to seek opinions from several medical doctors. You may choose to do this if the first two doctors you visited had different ideas of the treatment plan that would be best for you. Or, your doctors may offer you a few different treatment plans and you want to be sure which one makes the most sense.

You may want to seek the opinion of a specialist who is skilled in the type of cancer that you have, and then seek the opinion of someone offering a more natural approach to cancer treatment. Some clinics are on the cutting edge of cancer research that have experience in treating cancers in ways that some traditional medical professionals will not be likely to talk to patients about.

Insurance and second opinion

When it comes to cancer, many insurance plans will cover the expense of seeking a second opinion about a cancer diagnosis. They understand that it is normal to want to gather as much information as possible in this situation. Be sure to talk with your insurance provider before making your second opinion appointment, to let them know it’s a second opinion appointment and be sure what they will cover. Many insurance providers cover the costs of a second opinion if cancer is potentially suspected or diagnosed, it is wise to ask your insurance provider about coverage before seeking any treatment, however.